By Yair Shulevitz (September 09, 2014)

Looking at Asaf Rahat's self-portraits evokes disturbing feelings in the viewer, stemming from the exposed and direct stance presented in them.

These are expressive portraits; the common essence shared by them is the lack of representation. Rahat does not deal with the external appearance of his portrait, but reaches deep inwardly to the place where the masks are removed.

The self-portraits reveal different "self" expressions and a variety of moods: introversion and melancholy, gloom, anger, and self-criticism

.Beyond the strong emotional power of the face in portraits, the body is also very significant and has a great presence. The body posture is an inseparable part of the facial expression.

Rahat stands exposed to the viewer. This bare posture reflects what seem to be an examination and a poignant clarification that Rahat conducts with himself through the face and the body. He is not afraid of self-presentation that has manifestations of weakness and limpness. The search and the inspection are revealed as scratching and digging to travel into the soul on the way to self-discovery.

* The translation is a summary of the written text in Hebrew.